Warren CR 676, Columbia (Former NJH 8 / NJ 94, Former US 46)

Columbia, NJ is a tiny hamlet nestled in the Delaware Water Gap in Knowlton Township. Columbia is also home to former alignments of NJH 8 / NJ 94 and US 46. NJH 8 was the old designation of NJ 94 from 1927 to 1953. NJ 94 followed the NJ 8 alignment in Columbia from January 1st, 1953 to December 1953 when the new Portland-Columbia Toll Bridge opened to bypass the hamlet. US 46 may have passed through here at least de jure and entered Pennsylvania on a covered bridge at the site of the Portland-Columbia Pedestrian Bridge. These routes being here explains why a large chunk of the hamlet has concrete pavement; the concrete pavement is from the old state highways here.

Decatur Street (Warren CR 676 SB), former NJH 8 / NJ 94 SB. Before this intersection, Columbia Street (Warren CR 676 Spur*) was former NJH 8 / NJ 94 NB towards Blairstown.
*Unknown if Warren CR 676 Spur actually exists. The SLDs claim Warren CR 676 Spur is the concrete paved section of Columbia Street that looks like it used to feed into NJ 84.

Straight ahead on Green Street, Warren CR 676 SB. The Portland-Columbia Pedestrian Bridge used to be a covered bridge until a storm in 1955 destroyed the bridge. After Darlington's Bridge was dismantled, US 46 passed through here once again to reach the Delaware Water Gap, and NJH 8 / NJ 94 was truncated. NJH 8 / NJ 94 SB turned left here, and US 46 EB turned left here if it ran through here.

Washington Street isn't a county route, but the concrete pavement indicates this once was a state highway. And interestingly, there's a white centerline from a bygone era.

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