Spaghetti Junction, Woodbridge, NJ

This large, tangled junction is located at the northern foot of the Driscoll Bridge and Edison Bridge in Woodbridge, NJ. The junction connects the Garden State Parkway, US 9, NJ 440, CR 656 (Smith Street, Riverside Drive), CR 624 (Route 440 Connector), and CR 629 (Crows Mill Road).

The interchange is known as Interchange 127 on the Garden State Parkway, based on the northbound exit number.

Multiple movements end up using the same ramps at this junction. 
A general notation of the ramp names is as follows:

(departure from road/s) TO (arrival to road/s)

Garden State Parkway NB to US 9 / NJ 440 (Exit 127 NB off-ramp):

There are three different directions the Exit 127 offramp leads to: US 9 NB, NJ 440 SB, and NJ 440 NB.

Why couldn't a sign for NJ 440 NB be installed on the gantry to the right? That is an important movement that is signed on other gantries, and failing to sign it causes driver confusion.

On the Garden State Parkway ramps, signs and sign structures are to NJTA standards for the Garden State Parkway. This is evident with brown paint for the overhead sign gantries.

GSP NB to NJ 440:

The onramp to NJ 440 NB quickly departs from the right lane of the NJ 440 SB onramp.  

As evident from the brown sign gantries, this ramp is maintained by the NJTA.

GSP NB / US 9 NB / NJ 440 SB to NJ 440 SB / CR 656 WB (Riverside Drive WB):

This is a ramp where multiple onramps merge onto a single ramp before splitting into multiple connecting movements.

As evident by the gray sign gantries, this ramp is maintained by NJDOT. These signs are slightly older based on the font and black background of the NJ 440 shield.

The split of the ramp. Shouldn't the signage for NJ 440 read SOUTH 440 to NORTH 287? The only direction this ramp leads to is NJ 440 SB, which leads to I-287 NB. At least the Garden State Parkway got that one right.

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