I-78 in New Jersey: New Jersey Turnpike - Newark Bay–Hudson County Extension

The portion of I-78 that serves as Exit 14-14C of the New Jersey Turnpike. This is a continuation of the Phillipsburg–Newark Expressway.

Heading west to start. Exit 14 is a toll plaza, not a true "exit" unless you're on the mainline of the New Jersey Turnpike (I-95).

The Newark Bay Bridge, officially known as the Vincent R. Casciano Memorial Bridge. The furthest downstream crossing of the Newark Bay, and this arch bridge is due to be replaced when I-78 is widened.

Travel the bridge westbound.

A view of Port Newark from the bridge.

The four-lane I-78 viaduct approaching Jersey City.

I can understand why Jersey City is having a fuss because the Holland Tunnel can't realistically be widened and the viaduct will be widened, but isn't this viaduct also for all of the truck traffic between Newark and ports in Bayonne? Not all the traffic will dump straight into Jersey City.

I-78 comes to the remnants of service areas along the Newark Bay Extension. This is the former eastbound service plaza named after colonial-era politician John Stevens.

I-78 comes to the toll plaza for Exit 14C. Just like Exit 14, Exit 14C isn't a bona fide exit but rather a barrier toll plaza.

The Newark Bay Extension has its own mileposts. I-78 merges onto NJ 139.

Continue west along I-78 on the Phillipsburg–Newark Expressway

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