Somerset CR 665 (Former CR 523 Spur)


(former  )

CR 665 used to be CR 523 Spur. This route connected NJ 28 in North Branch to CR 523. However, NJ 28 was cut back to Bridgewater and the section in North Branch became CR 614. CR 523 Spur may have followed the westernmost portion of the Easton Turnpike / CR 614 to connect with US 22. But still, CR 523 Spur was deleted and downgraded to CR 665.

The beginning of Somerset CR 665, former CR 523 Spur.

CR 665 / former CR 523 Spur comes to a junction with I-78. From I-78, CR 665 is signed as CR 523 Spur.

The only signs for CR 523 Spur are along I-78. These signs are inaccurate because CR 523 Spur doesn't exist anymore.

CR 665 / former CR 523 Spur ends at its former parent, CR 523.

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